Activities and goals

The Carl-Schmitt-Society

The Society operates on an honorary basis and promotes scholarly work on the work and life of Carl Schmitt, based on unpublished life testimonies (letters, diaries) and other documents. It pursues exclusively non-profit purposes and supports publications, events and exhibitions that secure and make accessible Schmitt’s scholarly and personal legacy. The work is carried out in close coordination with the Landesarchiv NRW, Abtlg. Rheinland in Duisburg, which is in charge of Carl Schmitt’s estate. 

Further goals and activities are:

  • To display up-to-date bibliographic information on important books and journal articles on the life and work of Carl Schmitt from the national and international literature.
  • To reconstruct the private library of Carl Schmitt
  • To publish the series “Schmittiana, Neue Folge” and the annual gifts of the society “Plettenberger Miniaturen
  • To critically honor the life and work of Carl Schmitt in his home town of Plettenberg
  • To cooperate with institutions that are committed to the name and work of Carl Schmitt.