Literature on Carl Schmitt

Country Report

The Society promotes awareness of life and work through informative, work and person appropriate, yet critically illuminated research. In addition, she regularly publishes the series “Schmittiana, Neue Folge” and the annual editions of the society “Plettenberger Miniaturen”.

Primary literature Russia (1992-2013)

von Michael Hagemeister, zuletzt aktualisiert 2013/12/07

  • Šmitt, Karl: Ponjatie političeskogo [Der Begriff des Politischen]. In: Voprosy sociologii, 1992, 1, S. 35-67.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Planetarnaja neprijaznennost’ meždu Vostokom i Zapadom i protivostojanie Zemli i Morja [Die planetarische Feindschaft zwischen Ost und West und der Gegensatz von Land und Meer]. In: Ėlementy, 8, 1996/1997, S. 43-51. Aus dem Deutschen von A[leksandr] D[ugin]. [aus Piet Tommissen (Hg.): Schmittiana III, Berlin 1991.]
  • Šmitt, Karl: Političeskaja teologija [Politische Theologie]. Moskau: Kanon-Press-C, 2000. 333 S.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Diktatura. Ot istokov sovremennoj idei suvereniteta do proletarskoj klassovoj bor’by [Die Diktatur. Von den Anfängen des modernen Souveränitätsgedankens bis zum proletarischen Klassenkampf]. Aus dem Deutschen von Jurij Korinec, hg. von Dmitrij Kuznicyn. Sankt Petersburg: Nauka, 2005. 326 S. (Slovo o suščem; 56)
  • Šmitt, Karl: Političeskij romantizm [Politische Romantik]. Aus dem Deutschen von Jurij Korinec. Moskau: Praksis, 2006. Šmitt, Karl: Leviafan v učenii o gosudarstve Tomasa Gobbsa [Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des Thomas Hobbes]. Aus dem Deutschen von Dmitrij Kuznicyn. Sankt Petersburg: Vladimir Dal’, 2006. 298 S.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Teorija partizana: Promežutočnoe zamečanie po povodu ponjatija političeskogo [Theorie des Partisanen: Zwischenbemerkung zum Begriff des Politischen]. Aus dem Deutschen von Jurij Korinec, hg. von B.M. Skuratov. Moskau: Praksis, 2007. 299 S.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Nomos Zemli v prave narodov Jus publicum Europaeum [Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus publicum Europaeum]. Aus dem Deutschen von K. Loščevskij und Jurij Korinec. Sankt Petersburg: Vladimir Dal’, 2008. 669 S.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Gosudarstvo i političeskaja forma [Der Staat und die politische Form]. Aus dem Deutschen von Oleg Kil’djušo. Moskau: Izdatel’skij dom Gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Vysšej školy ėkonomiki, 2010. 272 S. [Sammelband, enthält ausgewählte Abschnitte aus „Verfassungslehre“ sowie zwei Arbeiten aus den 1930er Jahren]
  • Šmitt, Karl: Glossarij [Glossarium]. In: Sociologičeskoe obozrenie, 9 (2010), 1, S. 75-78; 10 (2011), 1-2, S. 137-140; 11(2012), 2, S. 71-74.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Gosudarstvo. Pravo i politika [Der Staat. Recht und Politik]. Aus dem Deutschen von Oleg Kil’djušov. Moskau: Territorija buduščego, 2013. 446 S. [Sammelband, enthält u.a. „Der Hüter der Verfassung”, „Legalität und Legitimität”, „Über die drei Arten des rechtswissenschaftlichen Denkens”]


  • Šmitt, Karl: More protiv Zemli [Meer gegen Land ]. Aus dem Deutschen von Jurij Korinec.
  • Šmitt, Karl: Novjy nomos Zemli [Der neue Nomos der Erde]. Aus dem Deutschen von Jurij Korinec. Michael Hagemeister 7. Dezember 2013

Secondary Literature Russia (1987-2013), by Authors

by Michael Hagemeister, last updated on 07.12.2013

  • Artamošin, Sergej: Karl Šmitt: Vechi žizni i tvorčestva [Carl Schmitt: Wegmarken seines Lebens und Werks]. In: Dialog so vremenem. Al’manach intellektual’noj istorii 14 (2005), S. 307-324.
  • Achutin, A. / Filippov, Aleksandr: Perepiska o Karl Šmitte [Briefwechsel über Carl Schmitt]. In: Sociologičeskoe obozrenie, 12 (2012), 13, S. 34-47.
  • Bovdunov, Aleksandr: Gruppa „Telos“ i šmitteanstvo v SŠA: idei Šmitta kak orudie social’noj kritiki [Die Gruppe „Telos“ und das Schmittianertum in den USA. Schmitts Ideen als Waffe der Gesellschaftskritik]. In: Četvertaja političeskaja teorija, 4 (2012), S. 258-267.
  • Čubarov, Igor’. Ben’jamin Šmittu ne tovarišč, ili ošibka Agambena [Benjamin ist kein Genosse Schmitts oder Agambens Irrtum]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 45-69.
  • Dmitriev, Timofej: Spor ob osnovach političeskogo: Leo Štraus versus Karl Šmitt [Der Streit um die Grundlagen des Politischen: Leo Strauss versus Carl Schmitt]. In: Sociologičeskoe obozrenie, 11 (2012), 3, S. 26-40.
  • Filippov, Aleksandr: Političeskie vzgljady Karla Šmitta i ich vlijanie na sovremennuju zapadnuju nauku [Die politischen Ansichten Carl Schmitts und ihr Einfluß auf die gegenwärtige westliche Wissenschaft]. In: Filosofskie osnovanija teorij meždunarodnych otnošenij, 1987, 1, S. 59-94.
  • Filippov, Aleksandr: K politiko-pravovoj filosofii prostranstva Karla Šmitta [Zur völkerrechtlichen Philosophie des Raumes von Carl Schmitt]. In: Sociologičeskoe obozrenie, 8 (2009), 2, S. 41-52. [Nachwort zur russischen Ausgabe von Carl Schmitt: Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus publicum Europaeum, Moskau 2008]
  • Filippov, Aleksandr: Političeskij romantizm Karla Šmitta [Die politische Romantik Carl Schmitts]. In: Sociologičeskoe obozrenie, 9 (2010), 1, S. 66-74.
  • Gorškolepov, A.: Gosudarstvo v kontekste političeskogo: pravovye doktriny L.A. Tichomirova i K. Šmitta[Der Staat im Kontext des Politischen: Die Rechtslehren von L.A. Tichomirov und Carl Schmitt]. In: Jurist-pravoved, 2 (2009), S. 117-119.
  • Magun, A.: Novyj stroj Zemli. Karl Šmitt kak diagnost sovremennogo krizisa v mirovoj politike [Die neue Ordnung der Erde. Carl Schmitt als Diagnostiker der gegenwärtigen Krise in der Weltpolitik]. In: Polis 2003, 2, S. 112-123.
  • Michajlovskij, Aleksandr: Bor’ba za Karla Šmitta [Der Kampf um Carl Schmitt]. In: Voprosy filosofii, 2008, 7, S. 158-171. Michajlovskij, Aleksandr: Biografičeskij pazl: Rajnchard Mering o „vzlete i padenii“ Karla Šmitta [Ein biographisches Puzzle. Reinhard Mehring über „Aufstieg und Fall“ Carl Schmitts]. In: Sociologičeskoe obozrenie, 8 (2009), 3, S. 71-75.
  • Parchomenko, R.: Teorija političeskogo romantizma Karla Šmitta [Carl Schmitts Theorie der politischen Romantik]. In: Psichologija i psichotechnika, 1 (2012), S. 138-164.
  • Plotnikov, Nikolaj: Političeskoe, ne sliškom polemičeskoe [Politisches, nicht allzu Polemisches]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 117-121.
  • Remizov, Michail: Političeskaja teologija kak političeskaja epistemologija [Politische Theologie als politische Epistemologie]. In: Šmitt, Karl: Političeskaja teologija. [Politische Theologie], Moskau: Kanon-Press-C, 2000.
  • Saprykin, Dmitrij: Karl Šmitt: Filosof-radikal [Carl Schmitt, ein radikaler Philosoph]. Moskau: Kanon Press 2000.
  • Smirnov, Artem: Šmitt zaščiščaet fjurera [Schmitt verteidigt den Führer]. In: Logos, 5 (2012), S. 89-101.
  • Soboleva, Irina: Karl Šmitt i levaja mysl’: predely sovmestimosti koncepcij [Carl Schmitt und das linke Denken: Die Grenzen der Kompatibilität ihrer Konzepte]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 178-195.
  • Zan’kovskij, A.: Vlijanie Aristotelja na formirovanie ponjatija „nomos zemli“ Karla Šmitta [Der Einfluß von Aristoteles auf die Bildung des Begriffs „Nomos der Erde” von Carl Schmitt].In: Četvertaja političeskaja teorija, 4 (2012), S. 251-258.

Übersetzungen fremdsprachiger Sekundärliteratur ins Russische

  • [Bojanić, Petar] Bojanič, Petr: Skribomanija: žena, archiv i sekrety počerka [Scribomanie, die Frau, das Archiv und die Geheimnisse der Handschrift]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 101-117.
  • [Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang] Bëkenfërde, Ėrnst-Vol’fgang: Ponjatie političeskogo kak ključ k rabotam Karla Šmitta po gosudarstvennomu pravu [Der Begriff des Politischen als Schlüssel zum staatsrechtlichen Werk Carl Schmitts]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 156-186.
  • [Benoist, Alain de] Benua, Alen: Aktual’nost’ Karla Šmitta [Die Aktualität Carl Schmitts]. Aus dem Deutschen von Vitalij Krjukov.
  • [Habermas, Jürgen] Chabermas, Jurgen: Čto takoe „političeskoe“? [Was ist das „Politische“?]. Aus dem Deutschen von Dmitrij Uzlaner.
  • [Höffe, Otfried] Cheffe, Otfrid: Šmitt – marginalen, Kant – aktualen [Schmitt ist marginal, Kant ist aktuell]. Interview, Moskau 2009.
  • [House, Robert] Chouz, Robert: (Zlo)upotreblenie. Leo Štraus i ego rol’ v reanimacii Šmitta nemeckimi pravymi. Slučaj Chajnricha Majera [(Miß)Brauch. Leo Strauss und seine Rolle bei der Reanimierung von Carl Schmitt durch die deutschen Rechten. Der Fall Heinrich Meier]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 69-89.
  • [Kreitor, Nikolaj von] Krejtor, Nikolaj fon: Karl Šmitt, Grosraum i russkaja doktrina Monro [Carl Schmitt, der Großraum und die russische Monroe-Doktrin]
  • [Löwith, Karl] Levit, Karl: Političeskij decionizm [Politischer Dezisionismus]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 122-150.
  • [Lübbe, Hermann] Ljubbe, German: Karl Šmitt v vosprijatii liberalov [Carl Schmitt liberal rezipiert]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 150-165.
  • [Meier, Heinrich] Majer, Ch.: Karl Šmitt, Leo Štraus i „Ponjatie političeskogo” [Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss und „Der Begriff des Politischen”]. Aus dem Deutschen von Jurij Korinec. Moskau: Skimen’, 2012.
  • [Mouffe, Chantal] Muff, Šantal’: Karl Šmitt i paradoks liberal’noj demokratii [Carl Schmitt und das Paradoxon der liberalen Demokratie]. In: Logos, 2004, 6, S. 140-153.
  • [Schlak, Stephan] Šlak, Stefan: Ėrnst Junger – Karl Šmitt: Perepiska 1930-1983 [Ernst Jünger – Carl Schmitt. Briefe 1930-1983]. Aus dem Deutschen von Andrej Ignat’ev.
  • [Teschke, Benno] Teške, Benno: Intellektual’nye i političeskie pročtenija Karla Šmitta [Intellektuelle und politische Lektüren Carl Schmitts]. In: Logos, 2012, 5, S. 3-45.

Michael Hagemeister 7. Dezember 2013


Primary Literature on  Carl Schmitt in Japan (1936-2021)

by Ayaka Matsumoto, last updated by Hajime Konno on 14.3.2021

  • Carl Schmitt,“State, Movement, People.The Triadic Structure of Political Unity,” [Chapter1,2] in Contemporary German State, translated by Kenzaburo Ozaki, Tokyo, Daigaku-shorin, 1936.
  • Carl Schmitt,“The Concept of the Political[3rded. 1933],” in The Essence of Politics, Weber Schmitt, translated by Ikutaro Shimizu, Tokyo, Mikasa-shobo, 1939, pp.147-253.
  • Carl Schmitt, “State, Movement, People. The Triadic Structure of Political Unity,” abridged and translated by Masao Maruyama, Ryoyojijo-kenkyukai-kaiho, No.3(1939), Tokyo, Ryoyojijou-kenkyukai, pp.277-326.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual History,” “State, Movement, People. The Triadic Structure of Political Unity,” “On the Three Types of Juristic Thought,” “On the Meaning of the Controversy about the Constitutional State,” in State, Parliament, Law, translated by Makoto Hori, Michio Aoyama, Tokyo, Hakuyo-sha, 1939.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Realm and Grossraum in the International Law,” translated by Yasushi Takeuchi, Kokusaibunkakyokai-kaiho, No168 (1943) Tokyo, Kokusaibunkakyokai, pp.104-116.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Concept of Reich in the International Law,” translated by Jun-ichi Okamoto, Hobunronso, No.32(1943),Fukuoka,Kyushu-teikokudaigaku-hobungakkai, pp.28-40. CarlSchmitt, “The Theory of Partisan. Intermediate Commentary on the Concept of the Political” in Yonosuke Nagai ed., Political Man, abridged and translated by Kunio Nitta, Tokyo, Heibon-sha, 1969, pp.102-170.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political [6thed. 1963], translated by Hiroshi Tanaka, Takeo Harada, Tokyo, Mirai-sha, 1970.
  • Carl Schmitt, Political Romanticism[2nded. 1925], translated by Kazuro Okubo, Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, 1970.
  • Carl Schmitt, Political Theology. Four Chapters on the Theory of Sovereignty [2nded.1934], translated by Hiroshi Tanaka, Takeo Harada, Tokyo, Mirai-sha, 1971.
  • Carl Schmitt, Land and Sea. A World-Historical Consideration, translated by Keizo Ikumatsu, Mitsuhiro Maeno, Tokyo, Fukumura-shuppan, 1971.[Jigaku-sha, 2006].
  • Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory, translated by Yoshito Obuki, Tokyo, Sobun-sha, 1972.CarlSchmitt, The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual history, translated by MotoyukiInaba, Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, 1972.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual history, translated by Heiji Hattori, Moritaro Miyamoto, Tokyo, Shakaishiso-sha, 1972.CarlSchmitt, ”The League of Nation and Europe,” “The Problems of the International Law in Rhine Region,” “The Forms of Modern Imperialism in the International Law,” “ Reich, State, Federation,” “Total Enemy, Total War, Total State,” “On the Relation between the Concepts of War and Enemy,” “Grossraum against Universalism. The battle overthe Monroe Doctrine in the International Law,” in A Theory of Contemporary Imperialism. Critical Considerations on War and Peace , translated by Ryuichi Nagao, Tokyo, Fukumura-shuppan, 1972
  • Carl Schmitt, Theory of Partisan. Intermediate Commentary on the Concept of the Political, translated by Kunio Nitta, Tokyo, Fukumura-shuppan, 1972. [Chikuma-shobo, 1995].
  • Carl Schmitt, “The State as Mechanism in the Works of Hobbes and Descartes,” “The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol,” “State as a Concrete Concept which is Connected with a Historical Era,”
  • “Salvation from the Captivity,”[extracted] in Leviathan, Formation and Collapse of the Modern State, translated by Ryuichi Nagao, Tokyo, Fukumura-shuppan, 1972
  • Carl Schmitt , “Political Theology. Four Chapters on the Theory of Sovereignty” [1sted. 1922], translated by Ryuichi Nagao, “The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual History,” translated by Yoichi Higuchi, “The Opposition between Parliamentarism and Modern Mass Democracy,” translated by Yoichi Higuchi, “The Age of Neutralizations and Depoliticizations,” translated byRyuichi Higuchi, “ Hugo Preuss: His Concept of State and Its Position in the German State Theory,” translated by Yukio Uehara, “The Concept of the Political,”[2ndEd. 1932], translated by Kihachiro Kayano, “On the Three Types of Juristic Thought,” translated by Shinpei Kato, Nariaki Tanaka, “Salvation from the Captivity,” translated byRyuichi Nagao in Political Theory of Crisis, Tokyo, Daiamondo-sha, 1973
  • Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory, translated by Teruya Abe, Yoshihiro Murakami, Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, 1974.CarlSchmitt, “The Value of the State and the Meaning of the Individual [preface] ,” “Political Theory and Romanticism,” “Aboutthe‘Idea of the State Reason’by Friedrich Meinecke,” “Power Situation of the Modern State,” “The Constitutional State[concluding remarks],” “A Conversation about the Power and the Access to the Power Holder,” in Heiji Hattori, Moritaro Miyamoto ed., Collected Essays on Political Thought, with Essays on Carl Schmitt, Tokyo, Shakaishiso-sha, 1974.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Dictatorship of the Reich President according to the 48thArticle of the Weimar Constitution, “The Guardian of the Constitution”[1929], translated by Hiroshi Tanaka, Takeo Harada, Tokyo, Miraisha,1974
  • Carl Schmitt, The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum, translated by Kunio Nitta, Tokyo, Fukumura-shuppan, 1976 . [Jigakusha-shuppan, 2007.]
  • Carl Schmitt, “Review of ‘Thomas Hobbes and the Right of Resistance’,” in P.C. Mayer-Tasch., Hobbes and the Right of Resistance, translated by Toshihiro Miyoshi, Masanori Shiyake, Tokyo, Bokutaku-sha, 1976, pp.252-255.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Completed Reformation. Remarks and References for the New Interpretations of Leviathan,” in P.C. Mayer-Tasch., Hobbes and the Right of Resistance, translated by Toshihiro Miyoshi, Masanori Shiyake, Tokyo, Bokutaku-sha, 1976, pp.256-299.
  • Carl Schmitt, “State, Movement, People. The Triadic Structure of Political Unity,” translated by Masanori Shiyake, “The Order of Grossraum under the International Law Including the Prohibition against Intervention of Extraterritorial Powers. A Contribution to the ‘Reich’ Concept in the International Law,” translated by Izumi Okada, in The Nazis and Schmitt. Triple State and the Order of Grossraum, Tokyo, Bokutaku-sha, 1978, pp.9-81, pp85-167.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Concept of the Political[preface of the text(1963)],” translated by Hisakazu Nakamichi, in Moritaro Miyamoto, Masanori Shiyake ed., A Collection of Essays on Carl Schmitt, Tokyo, Bokutaku-sha, 1978, pp.89-103.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Other Hegel-Line. Hans Freyer for the 70thBirthday,” translatd by Heiji Hattori, Moritaro Miyamoto, Shosainomado, Tokyo, Yuhikaku, 1979, pp.30-34
  • Carl Schmitt, “Political Theology 2. The Legend of the Finishing of AnyPolitical Theology,” translated by Ryuichi Nagao, Masayuki Atarashi, “Roman Catholicism and Political Form,” translated by Isao Kobayashi, “The Tyranny of Values,” translated by Kanji Morita, in Reconsideration of Political Theology, Tokyo, Fukumura-shuppan, 1980
  • Carl Schmitt, “Civil Liberties and the ‘Institutional Guarantee’ in the Reich Constitution,” translated by Takao Sasaki, in Hiromu Tokioka ed., The Constitutional Precedents on Human Rights 3, Tokyo, Sebun-do, 1980, pp.281-318.
  • Carl Schmitt, Political Romantcism[1sted. 1919], translated by Bunzo Hashikawa, Tokyo, Mirai-sha, 1982.
  • Carl Schmitt, Legality and Legitimacy, “The Age of Neutralizations and Depoliticizations”, translated by Hiroshi Tanaka, Takeo Harada, Tokyo, Mirai-sha, 1983.
  • Carl Schmitt, “On Macchiavelli. For22.6.1927,” translated by Masanori Shiyake, Misuzu, No.273(1983), Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, pp.29-34.CarlSchmitt, “The Problem with the Domestic Neutrality of the State,” translated by Osamu Ishimura, The Senshu University Bulletin, No.40(1984), Tokyo, The Senshu University Research Society, pp.167-184
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Situation of European Jurisprudence,” “The ‘General German Public Law ’ as an Example of Jurisprudence-System-Building,” “The Historical Situation of German Jurisprudence,” in The Situation of European Jurisprudence, translated by Masanori Shiyake, Eiji Yoshida, Tokyo, Seibundo, 1987
  • Carl Schmitt in the Conversation with Dieter Groh and Klaus Figge”, translated by Masanori Shiyake, Misuzu,No.320(1987), Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, pp.9-32.“A Conversation on the Radio, on 1.2.1933,” translated by Masanori Shiyake, Misuzu, No.325 (1988), Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, pp.14-21.“Interrogation Reports of Carl Schmitt,” Misuzu, No.333 (1988), Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, pp.50-64
  • Carl Schmitt, The Guardian of the Constitution, translated by Yotaro Kawakita, Tokyo, Daiichihouki-shuppan,1989.CarlSchmitt, “Ethic of State and Pluralistic State,” translated by Hiromichi Imai, in Kikuo Ishida ed., A Study of International Comparative Legislation 2. Jurisprudentia, Osaka, Hikakuhosei-kenkyujo, 1991, pp.98-115.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Dictatorship, from the Beginnings of the Modern Thought on Sovereignty up to the Proletarian Class Struggle, translated by Hiroshi Tanaka, Takeo Harada, Tokyo, Mirai-sha, 1991. CarlSchmitt, “The Visibility of the Church. A Scholastic Consideration,” translated by Makoto Sano,Bulletin of Liberal Arts Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, No.7 (1993), Hamamatsu, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, pp.83-104
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Position of Lorenz von Stein in the History of the19th Century,” translated by Kazuhiro Takii, in Kikuo Ishida ed., A Study of International Comparative Legislation 3. Jurisprudentia, Osaka, Hikakuhosei-kenkyujo, 1993, pp.120-128.
  • Carl Schmitt, Hamlet or Hecuba.The Irruption of Time into the Play, translated by Motoi Hatsumi, Tokyo, Misuzu-shobo, 1998.CarlSchmitt, “The Further Dissolution of Reichstag,” “The ‘Uniqueness’ and the ‘Same Occasion’ at the Dissolution of Reichstag according to the 25thArticle of the Reich Constitution,” “Reich President and the Weimar Constitution,” “Convening and Adjourning of Reichstag according tothe 24thArticle of the Reich Constitution,” translated by Akihiko Watanabe, “The Enforcement Law for the Article 48thof the Reich Constitution, ” “Dictatorship,” “The Fundamentals about the Practice of the Present Emergency Decree,” “The Right of State Emergency in the Circumstances of the Modern Constitution,” translated by Takeo Harada, “Essence and Becoming of the Fascist State,” “The Turning into the Total State,” “Further Development of the Total State inGermany,” translated by Heiji Hattori, Moritaro Miyamoto, “The Constitutionality about the Dispatch of a Reich Commissioner into the Land of Prussia,” “The Closing Speech in front of the State Tribunal in Leipzig in the Case of Prussia versus Reich,” translated by Aiko Takahashi, “The Civil Constitutional State,” “National Socialism and the Constitutional State,” “The Constitutional State,” translated by Hiroyuki Takeshima, “On the Meaning of the Controversy about the Constitutional State,” translated by Akihiko Watanabe, “The Thoughts ofLaw by National Socialism,” “The Way of the German Jurist,” translated by Makoto Sano, “The Fuehrer Protects the Law,” “Politics,” translated by Keita Koga, “The Good law of the German Revolution,” “The German Intellectuals,” “The Constitution of Freedom,” “The German Jurisprudence in the Battle against the Jewish Spirit,” translated by Hiroyuki Takeshima, in Keita Koga, Makoto Sano ed., A Collection of Essays on Current Affairs by Carl Schmitt, Arguments about the Constitution and Politics inthe Period of Weimar and National Socialism, Tokyo, Kaibun-sha, 2000
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Crime of the Offensive War against the International Law and the Principle of ‘No Crime, No Penalty, Without Law ’,” translated by Kunio Nitta, inHelmut Quaritsch ed., The Theory of the Offensive War, Tokyo, Shinzan-sha, 2000.
  • Carl Schmitt, Ernst Jünger-Carl Schmitt, Correspondence1930-1983, translated by Yu Yamamoto, Tokyo, Hoseidaigaku-shuppankyoku, 2005.Carl Schmitt, Legality and Legitimacy, translated by Kenkichi Ishii, Tokyo, Matsukaze-shobo, 2006.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Political Theology.Four Chapters on the Theory of Sovereignty” [1sted. 1922], translated by Ryuichi Nagao, “The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual History,” translated by Yoichi Higuchi,“Roman Catholicism and Political Form,” translated by Isao Kobayashi, “The Opposition between Parliamentarism and Modern Mass Democracy,” translated by Yoichi Higuchi, “The Age of Neutralizations and Depoliticizations,” translated by Ryuichi Higuchi, “Hugo Preuss: His Concept of State and Its Position in the German State Theory,” translated by Yukio Uehara, “The Concept of the Political,”[2ndEd. 1932], translated by Kihachiro Kayano, “The Forms of Modern Imperialismin the International Law,” “Reich, State, Federation,” translated by Ryuichi Nagao, “On the Three Types of Juristic Thought,” translated by Shinpei Kato, Nariaki Tanaka, in Ryuichi Nagao ed., The Collected Works of Carl SchmittVol. 1(1922-34), Tokyo, Jigaku-sha-shuppan, 2007.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The German Jurisprudence in the Battle against the Jewish Spirit[closing remarks],” “The State as Mechanism in the Works of Hobbes and Descartes,” “Total Enemy, Total War, Total State,” “The Leviathan in theState Theoryof Thomas Hobbes : Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol,” “On the Relation between the Concepts of War and Enemy,” “Grossraum against Universalism, The Battle over the Monroe Doctrine in the International Law,” “State as a Concrete Concept which is Connected with a Historical Era,” “Salvation from the Captivity,” translated by Ryuichi Nagao, “The Tyranny of Values,” translated by Kanji Morita, “Political Theology 2. The Legend of theFinishing of AnyPolitical Theology,” translated by Ryuichi Nagao, Masayuki Atarashi, in Ryuichi Nagao ed., The Collected Works of Carl SchmittVol. 2(1936-70), Tokyo, Jigaku-sha-shuppan, 2007.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Concept of Piracy,” translated by Kazuhiro Shimizu, Gendaishiso, Vol.39,No.10(2011), Tokyo, Seido-sha, pp.137-145.2012/03/20Takeshi Gonza and Ayaka Matsumoto
  • Carl Schmitt, “Amnestie—Original form of law”, translated by Masahiko Makino, Shiso, No. 1073 (2013. 9), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp. 19-22.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual history” and “The Opposition between Parliamentarism and Modern Mass Democracy,” translated by Yoichi Higuchi, in : The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual history, Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, 2015.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Don Quijote and the public”, translated by Toshiki Yoshinaka, The semiannual periodical of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of English and Department of Foreign Languages, Vol. 20, Tokyo, Department of Foreign Languages of Komazawa University, 2016, pp. 49-58.
  • Karu Shumitto, Kokuminhyoketsu to Kokuminhatsuan. Waimaru-Kempo no Kaishaku oyobi Chokusetsuminshuseiron ni kansuru Ichikosatsu, [Carl Schmitt, Volksentschied und Volksbegehren. Ein Beitrag zur Auslegung der Weimarer Verfassung und zur Lehre von der unmittelbaren Demokratie], übersetzt von Yuichi MATSUSHIMA, Tokio: Sakuhinsha, 2018.
  • Karu Shumitto, Riku to Umi. Sekaishiteki na Kosatu [Carl Schmitt, Land und Meer. Eine weltgeschichtliche Betrachtung], übersetzt von Hajime NAKAYAMA Tokio: Nikkei-BP-sha-Verlag, 2018.
  • Karu Shumitto/Furittsu Harutungu/Erihi Kaufuman, Dainiteisei no Kokkakozo to Bisumaruku no Isan [Carl Schmitt/Fritz Hartung/Erich Kaufmann, Die Staatsverfassung des zweiten Reichs und das Erbe Bismarcks], übersetzt von Masanori SHIYAKE u. a., Tokio: Fukosha-Verlag, 2020.

Secondary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Japan (2000-2017)

  • Hiroyuki Takeshima, “Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss on Hobbes,” Doshisha Law Review, Vol.51,No.6 (2000), Kyoto, Doshisha-hogakkai, pp.1186-1286.
  • Masaki Ishida, “Nation, Aesthetics and the PublicSphere: The Idea of ‘Representation and Re-presentation’ in the Works of Hannah Arendt and Carl Schmitt,” in Naoshi Yamawaki, ed., TheGenealogyof Nation: Thinking about the 20thCentury,Science-sha, 2001, pp.167-222.
  • Hiroyuki Takeshima, “The Aesthetic Politics in the Late Works of Carl Schmitt: Pathos for Topos 1,” Doshisha Law Review, No.277 (Vol.53, No.1), (2001), Kyoto, Doshisha-hogakkai, pp.167-222.
  • Hiroyuki Takeshima, “The Aesthetic Politics in the Late Works of Carl Schmitt: Pathos for Topos 2,”Doshisha Law Review, No.278 (Vol.53, No.2), (2001), Kyoto, Doshisha-hogakkai, pp.644-687.
  • Hiroyuki Takeshima, “The Aesthetic Politics in the Late Works of Carl Schmitt : Pathos for Topos3,” Doshisha Law Review,No.279 (Vol.53, No.3), (2001), Kyoto, Doshisha-hogakkai, pp.1115-1148.
  • Masaharu Yanagihara, “So-called ‘Indiscriminate View on War’ and Illegalization of War: An Approach from Carl Schmitt’s Theoryof War,”Yearbook of World Law, No.20 (2001), Kyoto, Sekaihogakkai, pp.3-29.
  • Hiroyuki Takeshima, The Politics of Carl Schmitt: A Rebellion against the Modern Era,Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2002.Ingeborg Maus, The Theory of Law and Politics in Industrial Capitalism,translated by Rinitsu Kawakami, Tokyo, Hoseidaigaku-shuppankyoku, 2002
  • Raphael Gross, Carl Schmitt and the Jews:GermanJurisprudence,translated by Yu Yamamoto, Tokyo, Hoseidaigaku-shuppankyoku, 2002.Keita Koga, “Reconsidering theConceptofState in Carl Schmitt’s Thought: From Sovereign State to ‘Grossraum’,”Japanese Journal of Political Thought,No.3(2003),Tokyo, Seijishiso-gakkai, pp.1-28.
  • Makoto Sano,The Criticism of Modern Enlightenment and the Pathology of Nazism: Law, Stateand the Jews in the Works of Carl Schmitt,Tokyo, Sobun-sha, 2003. Judging the Coup d’etat on 20.7.1932: The Court Document, edited and translated by Takeshi Yamashita, Tokyo, Shogaku-sha, 2003.Kiyomi Ono, The Conservative Revolutionand Nazism: E. J. Jung’s Thought and the Politics in the End of the Weimar Period, Nagoya, Nagoya-daigaku-shuppankai, 2004. Takeshi Gonza, “Political Thought of Carl Schmitt in the Weimar Period: Tracing the Changes in his Understanding of the Modern Era,” The Hokkaido Law Review,Vol.54, No.6 (2004), Hokkaido, Hokkaido-daigaku-hogakukenkyuka, pp.2013-2068.
  • Takeshi Gonza, “Breakdown of the Weimar Republic and Carl Schmitt: His Activities as Brain Truster of the Presidential Cabinet,” Shiso, No959 (2004), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp.5-29.
  • Takeshi Gonza, Why isn’t the Iraq War Any Just War?: Habermas’ Judgment on the Legitimacy of the Iraq War,” Sobun, No.463 (2004), Tokyo, Sobun-sha, pp.1-6.
  • Yoshinari Shiomi, “The Theory of Applying Law in the Early Works of Carl Schmitt:‘Law and Judgment’ (1912),” Kyudai Law Review, No.89 (2004), Fukuoka, Kyudai-hogakkai, pp.329-396.
  • Hironori Matsugu, “Foundation of the Legal System and ‘The Absolute Being’: Carl Schmitt and H. L. A.Hart,”,The Journal of Constitutional Law, No.36 (2004), Tokyo, Kenpo-gakkai, pp.101-120.
  • Ryuichiro Usui ed., Carl Schmitt and Today,Tokyo, Okiseki-sha, 2005.Yoichi Kameshima, “Changes of Political Thought in the 20thCentury and Afterwards: Rethinking about Carl Schmitt and Hannah Arendt,”,The Journal ofLegal, Political and Social Sciences,No.61 (2005), Musashino, Seikei-hogakkai,pp.472-458.
  • Takeshi Gonza, “Carl Schmitt’s Criticism of ‘Just War’; Its Origin and Range,” Sobun,No.477 (2005), Tokyo, Sobun-sha, pp.19-22.
  • Makoto Sano, “Difference between MaxWeber and Carl Schmitt in the Light of the Intellectual History: Their Views on Jews and Human Rights,” Hikakuhoshi-kenkyu, No.13 (2005), Tokyo, Mirai-sha, pp.231-255.
  • Takashi Dobashi, “OnCarl Schmitt’s Racism, withReference to ‘Carl Schmitt and the Jews. German Jurisprudence’by Raphael Gross,” Chuo-Gakuin UniversityReview of Faculty of Law,No.30 (Vol.18, No.1/2, 2005), Abiko, Chuo-gakuindaigaku-hogakubu, pp.19-52.
  • Takeshi Gonza, “Thinking about the Development of the Theory of ‘Just War’ during the 20thCentury: From Carl Schmitt to Jurgen Habermas,” in Susumu Yamauchi ed., The Idea of ‘Just War’, Tokyo, Keiso-shobo, 2006, pp.175-203.
  • Kenji Ishikawa,The Distance between Freedom and Privilege: Reflection on Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the ‘InstitutionalGuarantee’,Tokyo, Nihonhyoron-sha, 2007.
  • Yasuhiro Endo, “Rethinking about the Concept of the Federal State: An Approach from Carl Schmitt’s and Otto von Gierke’s Theory of the Federal State,” Japanese Journal of Political Thought,No7 (2007), Nara, Seijishiso-gakkai,pp.174-202.
  • Keita Koga, The Renaissance of Carl Schmitt: On His Conceptual Thinking,Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2007.
  • Yasuhiro Hamada, “The Weimar Constitutional System and Carl Schmitt: On His Interpretation of the 48thArticleandTheory of Presidential Dictatorship,”The Journal of Constitutional Law, No.40,(2008), Tokyo, Kenpo-gakkai, pp.141-160.
  • Heinrich August Winkler, The Long Roadto the West. German History 1, translated by Toshiaki Goto, Takao Okuda, Tsuyoshi Nakatani, Shogo Noda, Tokyo, Showa-do, 2008.
  • Heinrich August Winkler,The Long Roadto the West. German History 2, translated by Toshiaki Goto, Takao Okuda, Tsuyoshi Nakatani, Shogo Noda, Tokyo, Showa-do, 2008.
  • Koji Otake,Just War and Civil War: Carl Schmitt’s Thought on the International Order,Tokyo, Ibun-sha, 2009.Yoshinari Shiomi, “‘Savigny’s Positivism’ intheConstitutional Theory of Carl Schmitt: On the Problems of Lawmaking by Judicature ,”Journal of Law and Politics,Vol.76,No.3 (2009), Fukuoka, Kyushudaigaku-hoseigakkai, pp.303-367.
  • Toshikazu Nakamichi, Rethinking about Carl Schmitt: An Intellectual facing the Third Reich, Kyoto, Minerva-shobo, 2009.
  • Taira Nishi, “Justice of God and the Neutrality of the States: Carl Schmitt against the ‘Global Civil War,” Shiso, No1020 (2009), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp.52-75.
  • Takumi Itabashi,The Search for ‘Central Europe’: A Variation of German Nationalism, Tokyo, Sobun-sha, 2010, pp.183-205.
  • Kenju Endo, “TheIdea of the ‘Mitmensch’ [Fellow Human Being] and ‘The Political’: Karl Loewith’sCriticism of Carl Schmittand Its Consequence,”Annals of Ethics,No.59 (2010), Tokyo, Mainichigakujutsu-forum, pp.173-186.
  • Aiko Takahashi, “A Study of ‘Legality’, its Transformation into the ‘PseudoLegality in accordance with the Situation’: From ‘Coup d’etat by Papen’ to ‘State Trial’, ” Bulletin, Seigakuin University General Research Institute, No.47 (2009), Saitama, Seigakuindaigaku-kenkyujo, pp.291-350.
  • Junji Nishikado, “Carl Schmitt and Georg Lukacs:On the Theory of Dictatorship asa Constructive Power,” Riso, No.684(2010), Tokyo, Riso-sha, pp.177-186.
  • Yu Yoshida, “Hans Kelsen and Carl Schmitt: Their Views on the League of Nations,” in Jose Llompart, Yoshiomi Mishima, Ken Takeshita ed., Jurisprudence 29, Tokyo, Seibun-do, 2010, pp.127-142.
  • Koji Otake, “Reich, Katechonand Europe: Carl Schmitt and the Reich’s Theology,” Annals of the Society for the History of Social Thought,No.35 (2011), Tokyo, Fujiwara-shoten, pp.26-43.Masahiko Makino, “Carl Schmitt’s Criticism of the League of Nations,” Shiso,No.1050(2011), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp.7-21.
  • Jan-Werner Mueller, A Dangerous Mind: Carl Schmitt in Post-War European Thought, translated by Hisakazu Nakamichi, Kyoto, Minerva-shobo, 2011. Takeshi Gonza, “The Foundation of the Third Reich and the Problem of Federalism: How has Carl Schmitt Become a National Socialist?,” Shiso, No.1055(2012), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp.41-61.

2012/03/20 Takeshi Gonza and Ayaka Matsumoto

Secondary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Japan(2012—2017)

  • Masaki Nakamasa, An Introductory Book of Carl Schmitt, Tokyo, Sakuhin-sha, 2013.Song Weinan, “On the Reality of Sovereignty : Carl Schmitt’s Political Theology as a Power Theory”, Socialsystems: political, legal and economic studies, No.16, Kyoto, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies of Kyoto University, 2013. pp. 27-41.
  • Masahiko Makino, “Nurnberg as Legal Issue :Carl Schmitt and the Crime of the War”, Hiroshima Law Review, Vol.37, No.1(2013.6),
  • Higashi-Hiroshima, The Association of Law of Hiroshima University, pp. 141-213.Masahiko Makino, “Carl Schmitt and Amnesty”, Shiso, No. 1073 (2013. 9), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp. 23-52.
  • Reinhard Mehring, “9. September 1933 in Kaiserhof? Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt in Berlin –According to the New Situation of Materials”, Shiso, No. 1073 (2013. 9), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp. 7-18.
  • Hiroshi Tanaka, The Collected Works ofHiroshi Tanaka, Vol. 3 Carl Schmitt, Tokyo, Mirai-sha, 2014.HirokazuKawaguchi, “Carl Schmitt as an Expert on Criminal Law”, A research group into the exceptional state and law, Legal Problems in Exceptional State, Suita, Institute of Legal Studies of Kansai University, 2014.Michael Kubiciel, “The so-called Exceptional State: On Carl Schmitt’s theory”, translated by Hirokazu Kawaguchi and Masatsuna Morinaga, Konan Law Review, Vol. 54, No. 3, 4, Kobe, The Association of Law of Konan University, 2014. 3, pp. 357-404.
  • Reinhard Mehring, “Science and politics in Nationalsocialism : Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt as Examples”, translated by Masahiro Kawai, The bulletin of the Institute for World Affairs, No. 29, Kyoto, Institute for World Affairs of Kyoto Sangyo University, 2014. 3, pp. 97-114.
  • Heinrich Meier, The Lesson of Carl Schmitt : FOUR CHAPTERS ON THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN POLITICAL THEOLOGY AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY, translated by Hisakazu Nakamichi and Mitsuru Shimizu, Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2015.
  • Tadashi Dobashi, “Rousseau vs C. Schmitt : From the Viewpoint of Liberal Democracy”, Law Review of Chuo Gakuin University, Vol. 29, No. 1, Abiko, Faculty of law of Chuo Gakuin University, 2015, pp. 112-89.
  • Takeshi Gonza, “The Constitutional Law in the last Weimar Period and Carl Schmitt’s Criticism against Federalism”, The Collapse and Reconstruction of German Federalism: From Weimar Republic to Post War Germany, Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, 2015, pp. 189-205.
  • Kenju Endo, “Secularization Thesis and Political Theology : Confrontation between Karl Löwith and Carl Schmitt”, Annals of the Society for the History of Social Thought, No. 39, edited by the Society for the History of Social Thought, Tokyo, Fujiwara-shoten, 2015, pp. 189-205.
  • Hartmuth Becker, The Criticism against the Parliamentary System in Carl Schmitt and Jürgen Habermas, 2. Edition, translated by Takeharu Nagai, Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2015.
  • Akira Nagano, “The Criticism against the Theory of the State as an Organ and the Disintegration of State Theory : Georg Jellinek and Carl Schmitt”, Journal of Law and Political Studies, Vol. 107, Tokyo, Faculty of Law of Graduate School of Keio University, 2015. 12, pp. 67-99.
  • Ellen Kennedy, “Carl Schmitt and Frankfurt School (1)”, translated by Akihiro Yasu, Shobi Journal of Policy Studies, No. 21, Faculty of Policy Management of Shobi University, Kawagoe, 2015. 12, pp. 153-179.
  • Song Weinan, “Carl Schmitt and the Politics of Speed : An Implication of the Concept of the Political“, Socialsystems : political, legal and economic studies, No. 18, Kyoto, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studiesof Kyoto University, 2015. 3. pp. 99-114.
  • Qian Wang, “Carl Schmitt’s Encounter with China”, The Japanese Journal of Political Thought, No. 15, edited by the Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought, Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2015. 5, pp. 6-29.
  • Akira Nagano, “Liberalism and democracy in the Balance Theory of Carl Schmitt”, The Japanese Journal of Political Thought, No. 15, edited by the Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought, Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2015. 5, pp. 278-306.
  • Masahiko Makino, “Sovereignty, Church and State in Carl Schmitt : From Figgis and Laski to Schmitt”, No. 1093 (2015. 5), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp. 110-143.
  • Ryoshi Fukushima, ”Theoretical Grounding for the Right of Access to the Courts: From Carl Schmitt’s Perspective”, Studiesof Comparative Law, No. 78, Osaka, Japan Society of Comparative Law, pp. 298-301.
  • Atsushi Takada, “How to argue about the constitutional law : Taking Carl Schmitt’s Theory of the State of Emergency as an Example“, Zivilisation und Philosophie, No. 8, Kyoto, Japan-Germany Cultural Research Center, 2016, pp. 155-165.
  • Masanori Shiyake, Carl Schmitt and the Five Jewish Jurists, Tokyo, Seibun-do, 2016.Taira Nishi, “The Viewpoint of Kathekon : The Actual Possibility of EU based on Carl Schmitt’s Thought of Order”, Horitsu-Jiho, Vol. 85, No. 11, Tokyo, Nippon-Hyoron-sha, 2013, pp. 20-25.
  • Hironori Matsugu, ”On the Foundation of the Parliamentarism and its Limits”, The Journal of Matsumoto University, Vol. 14, Matsumoto, Matsumoto University, 2016, pp. 39-46.
  • Yoichi Higuchi, “The legiste of the French fifth Republic vs the Kronjurist of the German third Reich? : René Capitant (1901-1970) and Carl Schmitt (1888-1985)”, Transactions of the Japan Academy, Vol. 71, No. 1, Tokyo, The Japan Academy, 2016, pp. 17-39.
  • EllenKennedy, “Carl Schmitt and Frankfurt School (2)”, translated by Akihiro Yasu, Shobi Journal of Policy Studies, No. 27, Kawagoe, Faculty of Policy Management of Shobi University, 2016, pp. 173-185.
  • Koji Otake, “Carl Schmitt’s Grounding for Decision”, The Japanese Journal of Political Thought, No. 16, edited by the Japanese Conference for the Study of Political Thought, Tokyo, Fuko-sha, 2016, pp. 62-84.
  • Koji Otake, “Carl Schmitt : The Politics and the Play”, Posse, No. 32, Tokyo, Posse, 2016, pp. 220-234.Masahiko Makino, “Seeking for the New Nomos of the Earth”, Shiso, No. 1109 (2016. 9), Tokyo, Iwanami-shoten, pp. 56-86.
  • Haruki Okuda, “On the State Theory of Carl Schmitt: Focusing on “Political Theology” and “The Concept of the political”, Annual of the Tokyo-Yokohama Society for Study of History, No. 29, The Tokyo-Yokohama Society for Study of History, 2017, pp. 10-35.
  • Kazuko Kosano, “Several Comments on Carl Schmitt’s “Political Theology””, Journal of Law and Politics, No. 26, Graduate School of Law in Daito Bunka University, 2017, pp. 47-79.
  • Kiyotaka Nishimura, “The State of Exception and the Order: Focusing on the Criticism against the Positivism by Carl Schmitt”, The Theories of Law, No. 35, edited by Ken Takeshita, Ko Hasegawa, Ichiro Sakawa, Tokyo, Seibun-do, 2017, pp. 121-154.

2017/08/03 Ayaka Matsumoto

Secundary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Japan (2018-2021)

  • Masahiko MAKINO, “Kiki no Seijigaku. Karu Shumitto Nyumon” [Politikwissenschaft der Krise. Eine Einführung zu Carl Schmitt], Tokio: Kodansha-Verlag, 2018.
  • Keita KOGA, Karu Shumitto no Kempo-Seiji-Shiso. Kinkyuken o Chushin toshite [Carl Schmitts Ideen zur Verfassung und Politik. Mit besonderer Berücksichtigung auf Notstandsrecht], in: “Osaka-Kokusai-Daigaku/Osaka-Kokusai-Daigaku-Tankidaigakubu-Kiyo” [OIU journal of international studies], Band 31, Heft 1 (2017), S. 1-34, Heft 2 (2018), S. 65-85.
  • Ayaka MATSUMOTO, Karu Shumitto ni okeru Minshushugiron no Seiritsukatei [Der Entstehungsprozeß des demokratischen Denkens bei Carl Schmitt], in: “Hokudai-Hogaku-Ronshu” [The Hokkaido Law Review], Band 68 (2018), Heft 6, S. 1387-1446, Band 69 (2018), Heft 1, S. 1-74, Heft 2, S. 207-280, Heft 3, S. 703-766.
  • Ayaka MATSUMOTO, Shidosha, Kassai Gainen to Minshusei [Die Begriffe von Führer und Akklamation und Demokratie], in “Seiji-Shiso-Kenkyu” [The Japanese Journal of Political Thought], Band 18 (2018), S. 230-259.
    Yuichi MATSUSHIMA, Waimaru-kempo 73-jo ni tsuite. Karu Shumitto “Kokuminhyoketsu to Kokuminhatsuan” (1927-nen) no Kaisetsu [Über Artikel 73 der Weimarer Verfassung. Eine Einführung zu Carl Schmitts “Volksentschied und Volksbegehren” (1927)], in: “Setsunan-Hogaku” [The Setsunan Law Review], Band 54/55 (2018), S. 47-64.
  • Sho NARUSE, Reigai to Chitsujo. Karu Shumitto ni okeru “Seijishingaku” to “Seijitekinarumono” [Ausnahme und Ordnung. “Politische Theologie” und “Das Politische” bei Carl Schmitt], in: “Nagoya-Daigaku-Jinbungaku-Kenkyoronshu” [The journal of humanities, Nagoya University] , Heft 1 (2018), S. 153-166.
  • Keita KOGA, “Karu Schumitto to sono Jidai” [Carl Schmitt und seine Zeit], Tokio: Misuzushobo-Verlag, 2019.
  • Kazufumi ABE, “Hyogen, Shudan, Kokka. Karu Shumitto no Eigakenetsuron o meguru Ichikosatsu” [Ausdruck, Gruppe, Staat. Eine Betrachtung zu Carl Schmitts Überlegung über Filmzensur], Tokio: Shinzansha-Verlag, 2019.
    Taira NISHI, Teki no Chii to sono Chitsujorontekikozo. Karu Shumitto Kokusaihoron no Kiso [Der Status des Feindes und seine ordnungstheoretische Struktur. Die Grundlage der Völkerrechtlehre Carl Schmitts], in: “Hotetsugaku-Nempo” [Jahrbuch der Rechtsphilosophie], 2019, S. 87-101.
  • Taira NISHI, Baikai/Mubaikai no Kyokai. Karu Shumitto no Shukenron [Die Grenze zwischen Mittelbarkeit und Unmittelbarkeit. Die Souveränitätslehre Carl Schmitts], in: “Nempo Seijigaku” [The annuals of Japanese Political Science Association], Heft 1 (2019), S. 13-35.
  • Masashi KAJIWARA, Engeki-Tawamure no Jubaku. Karu Shumitto no “Hamuretto”-ron to Higekikan [Der Bann des Spiels. Carl Schmitts „Hamlet oder Hekuba”], in: “Gengobunkakenkyu” (Matsuyama University, Sogokenkyujo) , Band 38 (2019), Heft 2, S. 117-138.
  • Hiroshi KAGEYAMA, “Karu Shumitto. Nachisu to Reigaijotai no Seijigaku” [Carl Schmitt. Die Nazis und die Politikwisssenschaft des Ausnahmezustandes], Tokio: Chuokoronshinsha-Verlag, 2020.
  • Takeshi GONZA, “Gendai-Minshushugishiso to Rekishi” [Modernes demokratisches Denken und Geschichte], Tokio: Kodansha-Verlag, 2020.
    Keita KOGA, Nihon no Kempogaku ni okeru Karu Shumitto no Keiju (1). Satoshi Kuroda und Yoshio Ohnishi [Die Rezeption von Carl Schmitt in der japanischen Verfassungslehre (1): Satoshi Kuroda und Yoshio Ohnishi], in: “Osaka-Kokusai-Daigaku/Osaka-Kokusai-Daigaku-Tankidaigakubu-Kiyo” [OIU journal of international studies], Band 33 (2020), Heft 2, S. 85-100, Heft 3, S. 139-157.
  • Masaki NAKANO, 1989-2019 nen made no Doitsu oyobi Nihon no Kokuhogaku no Shinten to Chitai. Karu Shumitto, Yozefu Izenze oyobi Roberuto Arekushi no Gakusetsu o Sozaini [Die Entwicklung und die Stagnation der Staatsrechtslehre in Japan und in Deutschland von1989 bis 2019. Carl Schmitt, Josef Isensee und Robert Alexy als Beispiele], in: “Ibaraki-Daigaku-Kyoikugakubu-Kiyo (Jimbun-Shakaikagaku, Geijutsu)” [Bullentin of the Colledge of Education Ibaraki University (Humanities and Social Science, Art)], Band 69 (2020), S. 9-32.
  • Akira NAGANO, “Karu Shumitto to Kokkagaku no Tasogare” [Carl Schmitt und die Dämmerung der Staatslehre], Tokio: Hukosha-Verlag, 2021.

2021/03/14 Hajime Konno


Primary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Korea (1961-2011)

von Hwan-mu Park, Hun-sang Cho, zuletzt aktualisiert am 2012/04/25

  • Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political, translated by Keun-sik Yun, Seoul, Bobmunsa, 1961.
  • Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory, translated by Ki-bum Kim, Seoul, Kyomunsa, 1976.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Legal World Revolution”, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, BeopJeongNonChong, Vol.-No.20(1980), Dong-A University, pp.53-70.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Hugo Preuss: His Concept of State and its Position in the German State Theory,” translated by Hyo-Jeon KIM, BeopJeongNonChong, Vol.- No.24(1984), Dong-A University, pp.19-39.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Salvation from the Captivity,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, PusanMunhwa, Vol.- No.12(1987), Association of PusanMunhwa, pp.98-111. Carl Schmitt, “The Tyranny of Values,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, BeopDaeNonChong, Vol.- No.26(1986), Dong-A University, pp.15-40.
  • Carl Schmitt, “State as a Concrete Concept which is Connected with a Historical Era,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, SungkyunBeopHak, Vol.- No.19(1987), Sungkyunkwan University, pp.133-141.
  • Carl. Schmitt, The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual History, translated by Nam-gyu Park, Seoul, Tamgudang, 1987.
  • Carl Schmitt, Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Theory of Sovereignty [1st ed. 1922 and 2nd ed. 1934], translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Bobmunsa, 1988.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The State as Mechanism in the Works of Hobbes and Descartes,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, GoSiYeonGu, Vol.15 No.11(1988), GoSiYeonGuSa, pp.93-104.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Theory of Partisan. Intermediate Commentary on the Concept of the Political(1963),” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.9(1989), Dong-A University, pp.343-440.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Legality and Legitimacy(1932),” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.10(1990), Dong-A University, pp.87-173.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Guardian of the Constitution,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.11(1990), Dong-A University, pp.227-294.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Theory of Partisan: Intermediate Commentary on the Concept of the Political, translated by Yong-Hwa Jung, Paju, InGanSaRang, 1990.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Plight of European Jurisprudence, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Paju, KyoYookBook, 1990.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Civil Liberties and the ‘Institutional Guarantee’ in the Reich Constitution,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Journal of German Studies, Vol.- No.6(1990), Dong-A University, pp.29-49.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Dictatorship of Reich’s President: follow the Article 48th of the Reich Constitution,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.12(1991), Dong-A University, pp.253-309.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political [2nd Ed. 1932], translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Bobmunsa, 1992.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Guardian of the Constitution, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Paju, KyoYookBook, 1992.
  • Carl Schmitt, Political Romanticism [3rd Ed.], translated by Seong-dong Bae and Seong-mo Hwang, Seoul, SamsungBooks, 1992.
  • Carl Schmitt, Roman Catholicism and Political Form, The Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas Hobbes: Meaning and Failure of a Political Symbol, by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Paju, KyoYookBook, 1993.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Political Theology II: The Myth of the Closure of any Political Theology,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.16(1993), Dong-A University, pp.249-356.
  • Carl Schmitt, Legality and Legitimacy, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Paju, KyoYookBook, 1993.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Plight of European Jurisprudence, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Paju, KyoYookBook, 1994.
  • Carl Schmitt, “State structure and collapse of the Second Empire: The victory of the citizen against soldiers,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Essays in Celebration of Prof. Jae-ok Byun, Vol.- No.-(1994), Publish Committee of Essays in Celebration of Prof. Jae-ok Byun, pp.169-208.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Plebiscites and Referendums: a Contribution to the Interpretation of the Weimar Constitution and the Doctrine of Direct Democracy,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Essays in Celebration of Prof. Seung-du Yang, Vol.- No.-(1994), Publish Committee of Essays in Celebration of Prof. Seung-du Yang, pp.944-982.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum , translated by Jae-hun Choi, Seoul, MinumSa, 1995.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Dictatorship: From the Beginnings of the Modern Concept of Sovereignty to the Proletarian Class Struggle, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, BubWonSa, 1996.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Positions and Concepts in the Fight with Weimar-Geneva-Versailes (Part.1),” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.24(1998), Dong-A University, pp.415-492. Carl Schmitt, “Positions and Concepts in the Fight with Weimar-Geneva-Versailes (Part.2),” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.25(1999), Dong-A University, pp.227-273.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Guardian of the Constitution [4th ed.], translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Bobmunsa, 2000.
  • Carl Schmitt, Legality and Legitimacy, in a Series of Korean Jurisprudence (No.6), translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Ilsin, 2001. Carl Schmitt, “The Dictatorship of Reich’s President: follow the Article 48th of the Reich Constitution,” in a Series of Korean Jurisprudence (No.8), translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Ilsin, 2001.
  • Carl Schmitt, Positions and Concepts in the Fight with Weimar-Geneva-Versailes 1923-1939, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim and Bae-geun Park, Seoul, SejongBooks, 2001.
  • Carl Schmitt, “The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy”, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.31(2002), Dong-A University, pp.295-377. Carl Schmitt, “The Dissolution of Reich Parliament,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Journal of Constitutional Study, Vol.10 No.2(2004), Korean Constitutional Law Association, pp.539-555.
  • Carl Schmitt, annotated by Helmut Quaritsch, “The international crime of aggression,” translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.34(2004), Dong-A University, pp.381-496.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Fundamental Rights and Duties,” in Verfassungsrechtliche Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1924-1954(1958), translated by Tae-ho Jeong, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.36(2005), Dong-A University, pp.215-267.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual History, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Kwanaksa, 2007.
  • Carl Schmitt, “Reich’s Court as a guardian of the Constitution,” in Verfassungsrechtliche Aufsätze aus den Jahren 1924-1954(1958), translated by Tae-ho Jeong, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.37(2005), Dong-A University, pp.419-467.
  • Carl Schmitt, Plebiscites and Referendums: a Contribution to the Interpretation of the Weimar Constitution and the Doctrine of Direct Democracy, translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Seoul, Kwanaksa, 2008. Carl Schmitt, Political Theology: Four Chapters on the Theory of Sovereignty, translated by Hang Kim, Seoul, Greenbee, 2010.
  • Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory (Part.1), translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.48(2010), Dong-A University, pp.953-1000.
  • Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory (Part.2), translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.49(2010), Dong-A University, pp.421-477.
  • Carl Schmitt, Constitutional Theory (Part.3), translated by Hyo-Jeon Kim, Dong-A law review, Vol.- No.50(2011), Dong-A University, pp. 577-614.
  • Carl Schmitt, The Situation of the Present Parliamentarism in the Intellectual History, translated by Jong-seok Na, Gil, 2012.

Secondary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Korea (1978-2011)

  • Hyo-Jeon KIM, “Carl Schmitt’s Life and Work”, RESEARCH WORKS OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL, Vol.2(1978), Graduate School, Dong-A University, pp.101-137.
  • Dong-Gwa Lee, “Three Masters’ Life and Work of 20th Century Jurisprudence: Roscoe Pound, Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt”, Discourses of Jurisprudence, Vol.16(1986), Law Association , Chung-ju University, pp.161-166.
  • Bong-kun Kal, “Carl Schmitt’s Influence on the Modern Constitutional Law: Focused on Fundamental Raw of Bonn”, Dong-A law review, Vol.-No.4(1987), Dong-A University, pp.1-43.
  • Yong-Hwa Jung, “Research of Carl Schmitt’s Thought of War: Focused on The Concept of Enemy and War”, a Master ́s Thesis, Seoul National University, 1989. Jong-hun Jwa, Carl Schmitt’s Decisionism and Thomas Hobbes, a Doctoral Thesis, Korea University, 1989.
  • Sang-ki Kim, “Carl Schmitt’s Thought of extreme right and Political condition in Korea,” Philosophy and Reality , Vol.5 No.-(1990), Research Institute of Philosophy and Culture, pp.238-252.
  • Hoon Lee, “Prof. Sang-ki Kim, Carl Schmitt and Nationalism,” Philosophy and Reality, Vol.7 No.-(1990), Research Institute of Philosophy and Culture, pp.220-230.
  • Bong-gyu Hong, “A Study on Fundamental rights theory of Rudolf Smend and Carl Schmitt,” Research works of The Graduate School, Vol.6(1990), The Office of Academic Exchange, KyongGi University, pp.69-92.
  • Heuer Andreas, “The Romanticism as a political phenomenon,” Language and Literature Studies, Vol.1 No.1(1991), Language and Literature Research institute, MokWon University, pp.145-167.
  • Jong-uk Moon, “Carl Schmitt’s legislative thought and its Influence on Modern Law”, a Doctoral Thesis, Chungnam National University, 1991.
  • Jong-uk Moon, “Carl Schmitt’s Law Philosophy and Its Concrete Order,” Research of Jurisprudence, Vol.4 No.1(1993), Research Institute of Jurisprudence, Chungnam National University, pp.273-305.
  • Piet Tommiseen, “Conversation with Carl Schmitt,” translated by Hyo-Jeon KIM, World Constitutional Law Review, Vol.- No.1(1994), Korean Branch of International Association of Constitutional Law, pp.294-341.
  • Heller Hermann, “The Concept of Law in the Constitution of the German Reich,” translated by Hyo-Jeon KIM, Dong-A Law Review, Vol.- No.17(1994), The Law Research Institute, Dong-A University, pp.187-236.
  • Jun-hyung Choi, “State Theory of Carl Schmitt”, a Master ́s Thesis, Dong-A University, 1995. Sang-oh Bae, Jong-wook Moon, “A Development on Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Constitution in Korea,” Research of Jurisprudence, Vol.6 No.1(1995), Research Institute of Jurisprudence, Chungnam National University, pp.25-50.
  • Hae-yeong Lee, “War, Politics and Capitalism: Focused on Kant, Clausewitz, Marx and Schmitt,” The Radical Review, Vol.- No.-(1995), The Radical Review, pp.9-34.
  • Margit Kraft-Fuchs, “Basic remarks on Carl Schmitt’s Constitutional theory,” translated by Hyo-Jeon KIM, Public land law review, Vol.3 No.-(1996), Korea Public Land Law Association, pp.321-360.
  • Jong-uk Moon, “‘Legality’ and ‘Legitimacy’ in the Carl Schmitt’s Law Philosophy,” Research of Jurisprudence, Vol.7 No.1(1996), Research Institute of Jurisprudence, Chungnam National University, pp.141-175.
  • Kye-su Lee, “Parliamentarism and Administrative Law: Focused on Carl Schmitt’s Criticism of Parliamentarism and its Impact on the German Administrative Law,” a Doctoral Thesis, Seoul National University, 1997.
  • Jeong-yeop Seong, “Carl Schmitt’s Concept of State,” Research of Korean Public Law, Vol.27 No.1(1998), Korean Public Law Association, pp.229-244.
  • Tae-hong Kim, “Catholic Base for Carl Schmitt’s Theory of Constitutional Law,” a Doctoral Thesis, Dong-A University, 1998. Hans Krupa, “Carl Schmitt’s Theory of ‘The Concept of the Political(1937)’,” translated by Hyo-Jeon KIM, Journal ofGerman Studies, Vol.- No.14(1998), Dong-A University, pp.137-161.
  • Cheol-bong Choi, “Carl Schmitt’s Criticism of Parliamentarism,” Journal of Constitutional Study, Vol.5 No.2(1999), Korean Constitutional Law Association, pp.390-406.
  • Hashagen, Justus, Research of Carl Schmitt, translated by Hyo-Jeon KIM, Pusan, Sejongbooks, 2001.
  • Jin-seong Jeon, Conservative revolution: Impractical ideals of German intellectuals, Seoul, Chaeksesang, 2001.
  • Sun-ok Guk, “The Double Faces of Carl Schmitt: A portrait from the Perspective of the Anglo-Saxon Cultural Sphere,” MinJuBeobHak, Vol.-, No.21(2002), Democratic Law Sicience Association (MinJuJuUi BeobHakYeonGuHoi), pp.311-323.

Primary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Poland (2000-2013)

von Marek A. Cichocki and Tomasz F. Krawczyk, zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. February 2014

  • Schmitt, Carl: Teologia polityczne i inne pisma [Politische Theologie und andere Schriften]. Aus dem Deutschen und Vorwort Marek A. Cichocki, Kraków/Warszawa: Znak/Fundacja Batorego, 2000.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Tyrania wartości [Tyrannei der Werte], In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008
  • Schmitt, Carl: Lewiatan w teorii państwa Tomasza Hobbesa [Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des Thomas Hobbes]. Aus dem Deutschen M. Falkowski, Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka, 2008.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Hamlet albo Hekuba. O historii, która wdarła się na scenę [Hamlet oder Hekuba. Der Einbruch der Zeit in das Spiel], In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008.
  • Schmitt, Carl: O pojęciu dyktatury suwerennej [Fragment Die Diktatur], Aus dem Deutschen Kinga Marulewska, In: Dialogi Polityczne, N. 13 (2010), S. 41-76.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Führer jest obrońcą prawa [Der Führer schützt das Recht], In: Kronos 2 (13)/2010.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Etyka państwowa i państwo pluralistyczne [Staatsethik und pluralistischer Staat], In: Kronos 2 (13)/2010.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Nowy nomos Ziemi [Der neue Nomos der Erde], In: Kronos 2 (13)/2010.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Trzy możliwości chrześcijańskiego obrazu historii [Drei Möglichkeiten eines christlichen Geschichtsbildes], In: Kronos 2 (13)/2010.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Teologia polityczne i inne pisma [Politische Theologie und andere Schriften]. Erweiterte Ausgabe. Aus dem Deutschen und Vorwort Marek A. Cichocki, Warszawa: Aletheia, 2012.
  • Schmitt, Carl: Nauka o konstytucji [Verfassungslehre], Wissenschaftliche Redaktion Marek A. Cichocki, Tomasz F. Krawczyk, Vorwort Marek A. Cichocki, Nachwort Tomasz F. Krawczyk, Warszawa: Teologia Polityczna, 2013. Marek A. Cichocki, Tomasz F. Krawczyk, Warsaw – February 2014

Secondary Literature of Carl Schmitt in Poland (1990-2012)

von Marek A. Cichocki and Tomasz F. Krawczyk, zuletzt aktualisiert am 1. February 2014

  • Andrzejewski, Łukasz: Konieczność Schmitta [Die Notwendigkeit von Schmitt], In: Odra, N. 2, 2012, S. 36-39.
  • Cichocki, Marek A.: Unamuno czy Schmitt – Dawid czy Salomon? [Unamuno oder Schmitt – David oder Salomo], In; Teologia Polityczna, N. 2 (2004/2005), S. 295-302.
  • Cichocki, Marek A.: The One Who Restrains [Der Katechon], In: Civitas. Studia z filozofii polityki. Special Issue nr 11.
  • Cichocki, Marek A.: Helmuth Plessner and Carl Schmitt: Closeness and Distance [Helmuth Plessner und Carl Schmitt: Nähe und Distanz] In: Piotr: Katolicyzm polityczny [Politischer Katholizismus], In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008, S. 125-139.
  • Kaczorowski, Paweł: Carl Schmitt i sprawa polska [Carl Schmitt i und die polnische Sache], In: Przegląd Polityczny, N. 67/68 (2004), S. 70-74.
  • Kaczorowski, Paweł: Państwo w czasach demokracji: Rudolf Smend i Carl Schmitt o istocie porządku państwowego Europy kontynentalnej [Staat im Zeitalter der Demokratie: Rudolf Smend und Carl Schmitt über das Wesen der Staatlichkeit Kontinentaleuropas], Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2005.
  • Kaczorowski, Paweł: Tocqueville i Schmitt: rozważania schmittańskie [Tocqueville und Schmitt: Schmittische Betrachtungen], In: Przegląd Polityczny, N. 71 (2005), S. 122-125.
  • Meller, Arkadiusz: Aktualność Schmitta [Die Aktualität Schmitts], In: Dialogi Polityczne, N. 13 (2010), S. 437-443.
  • Michalski, Krzysztof: Polityka i wartości [Politik und Werte], In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008, S. 159-166.
  • Rysiewicz, Mikołaj: Gdy prawo ustaje i wkracza siła… : stan wyjątkowy w myśli prawnopaństwowej Carla Schmitta [Wenn das Recht weicht und die Gewalt auftritt… : Der Ausnahmezustand im staatsrechtlichen Denken von Carl Schmitt], In: Dialogi Polityczne, N. 13 (2010), S. 77-93.
  • Ryszka, Franciszek: Complexio Oppositorum, In: Studia Nauk Politycznych, N. 1-3, 1990, S. 37-58. 13.Ryszka, Franciszek: Carl Schmitt w nauce prawa i polityki XX w.: twórca i dzieło: szkic do portretu i wybrane wątki teorii [Carl Schmitt in der Rechtslehre und der Politikwissenschaften des 20. Jahrhunderts: Autor und sein Werk: Skizzen zu einem Porträt und auserwählte Theorien], In: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Studia nad Faszyzmem i Zbrodniami Hitlerowskimi, N. 19 (1996), S. 5-40.
  • Skarżyński, Ryszard: Od chaosu do ładu Carl Schmitt i problem tego, co polityczne[Vom Chaos zur Ordnung und das Problem des Politischen bei Carl Schmitt], Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Politycznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 1992.
  • Skarżyński, Ryszard: W poszukiwaniu istoty polityki i tego, co polityczne: Tomasz Mann, Max Weber, Carl Schmitt i Hanna Arendt pomiędzy emocjami, marzeniami i poczuciem rzeczywistości [Auf der Suchen nach dem Wesen der Politik und dessen was Politisch ist: Thomas Mann, Max Weber, Carl Schmitt und Hannah Arendt zwischen Emotionen, Träumen und Wirklichkeit], In: Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis. Studia nad Faszyzmem i Zbrodniami Hitlerowskimi, N. 32 (2010), S. 7-31.
  • Wielomski, Adam: Carl Schmitt 20 lat później [Carl Schmitt 20 Jahre später], In: Myśl Polska, N. 17 (2005).
  • Wielomski, Adam: O wyjątku w kanonach i konstytucji : przypadek Carla Schmitta[Ausnahmen in den Kanonen und der Verfassung: der Fall von Carl Schmitt], In: Gdańskie Studia Prawnicze, N. 20 (2009), S. 387-396.
  • Wonicki, Rafał: Polityka władzy i wolności w myśli Carla Schmitta i Hannah Arendt[Macht- und Freiheitspolitik im Denken von Carl Schmitt und Hannah Arendt], In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008.

Translations of Secondary Foreign-Language Literature

  • Assheuer, Thomas: Carl Schmitt: szczególny zakres stosowalności, Aus dem Deutschen Anna Klub, Anton Klub, In: Przegląd Polityczny, N. 88(2008), S. 131-137.
  • Balakrishnan, Gopal: Epoka Carla Schmitta, Aus dem Englischen Barbara Barysz, In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008, S. 102-113. 3.Löwith, Karl: Okazjonalny decyzjonizm Carla Schmitta, Aus dem Deutschen Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz, In:Kronos 2 (13)/2010, S. 112-138.
  • Meier, Christian: Od politikós do nowoczesnego pojęcia polityczności – szkic [Von politikós zum modernen Begriff des Politischen. Eine Skizze], In: Meier, Christian: Powstanie polityczności u Greków [Die Entstehung des Politischen bei den Griechen], Aus dem Deutschen Marek A. Cichocki, Warszawa: Teologia Polityczna 2012, s. 35-51.
  • McCormick, John: Irracjonalny wybór i krwawa walka : wprowadzenie do teorii Carla Schmitta, Aus dem Englischen Anna Warso,In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008, S. 78-101.
  • Mouffe, Chantal, hg.: Carl Schmitt: wyzwania polityczności, Übersetzung Tomasz Leśniak, Warszawa: Krytyka Polityczna, 2011.
  • Müller, Olivier: Między antropologią a teologią: Carl Schmitt w krytyce Hansa Blumenberga, Aus dem Deutschen Natalia Juchniewicz, Janusz Ostrowski, In: Kronos 2 (13)/2010, S. 86-98.
  • Rasch, William: Carl Schmitt i nowy porządek świata, Aus dem Englischen M. Zagalak, In: Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia, Vol. 4, fasc. 1 (2009), S. 71-76.
  • Sluga, Hans D.: Pluralizm polityczności: Carl Schmitt i Hanna Arendt, Aus dem Englischen D. Drałus, A. Chmielewski, In: Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia, Vol. 4, fasc. 1 (2009), S. 43-58.
  • Silber Storey, Jenna: Powracając do „decyzjonizmu” Schmitta, Aus dem Englischen Marcin Rychter, In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008, S. 114-124.
  • Strauss, Leo: Uwagi do Pojęcia polityczności Carla Schmitta, Aus dem Deutschen Piotr Graczyk, Bartosz Kuźniar, In: Kronos 3 (7)/2008, S. 58-77.
  • Taubes Jacob: Jacob Taubes i Carl Schmitt, In: Taubes, Jacob: Teologia Polityczna św. Pawła [Die Politische Theologie des Paulus], Warszawa: Teologia Polityczna 2010, s. 195.208.
  • Taubes, Jacob: Carl Schmitt – apokaliptyk w służbie kontrrewolucji, Aus dem Deutschen Piotr Graczyk – Fragment “Ad Carl Schmitt – gegenstrebige Fügung”, In: Kronos 2 (13)/2010, S. 47-58.

Primärliteratur von Carl Schmitt in China (2003-2019)

von Yuwei Wen, zuletzt aktualisiert am 2019/04/014

Einen Überblick über die Rezeption Carl Schmitts in China kann in folgender Datenbank recherchiert werden: China Academic Journals Full-text Database

  • Der Begriff des Politischen[Zhengzhi de gainian], Übers. ZongkunLiu, Feng Liu etc., Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2003政治的概念,刘宗坤、刘锋、李秋零、吴增定、朱雁冰,上海人民出版社[“经典与解释·施米特文集”(Classici et Commentarii: Gesammelte Schriften von Carl Schmitt [im Chinesischen])]
    • Darin: Vorbemerkung des Herausgebers[XiaofengLiu]; Politische Theologie; Römischer Katholizismus und politische Form; Die Sichtbarkeit der Kirche; Der Begriff des Politischen (1968); Legalität und Legitimität; Politische Theologie II
  • Der Begriff des Politischen[Zhengzhi de gainian], Übers. Zongkun Liu, Feng Liu etc., Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2004政治的概念,刘宗坤、刘锋、李秋零、吴增定、朱雁冰,上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Poltische Theologie; Römischer Katholizismus und politische Form; Die Sichtbarkeit der Kirche; Der Begriff des Politischen (1963); Theorie des Partisanen; Politische Theologie II
  • Politische Romantik [Zhengzhi de Langmanpai], Übers. Keli Feng, Feng Liu, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2004政治的浪漫派,冯克利/刘锋,上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Politische Romantik; Die geistesgeschichtliche Lage des heutigen Parlamentarismus; Anhang: Zur Ideologie des Parlamentarismus (Richard Thoma)
  • Verfassungslehre[Xianfa Xueshuo], Übers. Feng Liu, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2005宪法学说,刘锋,上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Verfassungslehre; Anhang: Weimarer Verfassung
  • Der Begriff des Politischen[Zhengzhixing de gainian], Übers. Chaosen Yao, Taibei: Linking Publishing Company, 2005政治性的概念,姚朝森,聯經出版事業股份有限公司
  • Der Hüter der Verfassung[Xianfa de shouhuzhe],Übers. Juntao Li, Huijie Su, New Taibei: River Gauche Publishing House, 2005憲法的守護者,李君韜/ 蘇慧婕,左岸文化
  • Land und Meer[Ludi yu haiyang], Übers. GuojiLin, Min Zhou, Shanghai: ECNUP, 2006陆地与海洋: 古今之“法”变,林国基,周敏译,华东师范大学出版社
    • Darin: Land und Meer; Gespräch über den Neuen Raum; Anhang: Eine phänomenologisch-politische Bemerkung zu Elementen und Raum. Am Beispiel des chinesischen Gedankenguts vor der Qin-Dynastie (Linyun Wang)
  • Positionen und Begriffe[Lunduan yu gainian], Übers. Yanbin Zhu, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2006论断与概念: 在与魏玛、日内瓦、凡尔赛的斗争中,朱雁冰,上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Positionen und Begriffe; Ex Captivitate Salus
  • Über die drei Arten des rechtswissenschaftlichen Denkens[Lun faxuesiwei de sanzhong moshi], Übers. Huijie Su, New Taibei: River Gauche Publishing House, 2007論法學思維的三種模式,蘇慧婕,左岸文化事業有限公司
  • Der Hüter der Verfassung[Xianfa de shouhuzhe],Übers. Juntao Li, Huijie Su, Beijing: Commercial Press, 2008宪法的守护者,李君韬/ 苏慧婕,商务印书馆
  • Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des Thomas Hobbes: Sinn und Fehlschlag eines politischen Symbols[Huobusi guojiaxueshuo zhong de liweitan], Übers. Xing Ying, Yanbing Zhu, Shanghai: ECNUP, 2008霍布斯国家学说中的利维坦,应星,朱雁冰译,华东师范大学出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Vorbemerkung des Herausgebers(Xiaofeng Liu);Einleitung zu der chinesischen Ausgabe: Der Liberalismus und die Judenfrage (Jianhong Chen); Die vollendete Reformation; Der Staat als Mechanismus bei Hobbes und Descartes; Zum „Leviathan” von Carl Schmitt (Günter Maschke)
  • Über die drei Arten des rechtswissenschaftlichen Denkens[Lun faxuesiwei de sanzhong moshi], Übers. Huijie Su, Beijing: China Legal Publishing House, 2012论法学思维的三种模式,苏慧婕,中国法制出版社
  • Ernst Jünger/Carl Schmitt Briefwechsel 1930-1983[Kaer Shimite / Ensite Yungeer shuxinji 1930-1983], Übers. Jinrong Guo, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2014卡尔·施米特/恩斯特·云格尔书信集(1930年—1983年),Helmut Kiesel编著,郭金荣译,上海人民出版社
  • Hamlet oder Hekuba. Der Einbruch der Zeit in das Spiel[Hamuleite huo Hekuba: Shidai qinru xiju], Übers. Qing Wang, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House,2015哈姆雷特或赫库芭: 时代侵入戏剧,王青译,上海人民出版社
  • Politische Theologie[Zhengzhide Shenxue], Übers. Zongkun Liu, Zengding Wu etc., Shanghai: Horizon/ Shanghai People Publishing House, 2015 政治的神学,刘宗坤、吴增定等,世纪文景/上海人民出版社,2015(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Die Sichtbarkeit der Kirche: Eine scholastische Erwägung;Politische Theologie.Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität;Römischer Katholizismus und politische Form;Politische Theologie II. Die Legende von der Erledigung jeder Politischen Theologie; Die Tyrannei der Werte. Überlegungen eines Juristen zur Wert-Philosophie
  • Der Begriff des Politischen[Zhengzhi de gainian], Übers. Zongkun Liu, Yanbing Zhu etc., Shanghai: Horizon/Shanghai People Publishing House, 2015政治的概念,刘宗坤、朱雁冰等,世纪文景/上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Der Begriff des Politischen;Das Zeitalter der Neutralisierungen und Entpolitisierungen;Theorie desPartisanen.
  • Zwischenbemerkung zum Begriff des Politischen; Gespräch über den PartisanenLegalität und Legitimität[Hefaxing yu Zhengdangxing], Übers. Keli Feng, Qiuling Li, Yanbing Zhu, Shanghai: Horizon/ Shanghai People Publishing House, 2015合法性与正当性,冯克利、李秋零、朱雁冰,世纪文景/上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
    • Darin: Die geistesgeschichtliche Lage des heutigen Parlamentarismus;Legalität und Legitimität;Ex Captivitate Salus. Erfahrungen der Zeit 1945—1947
  • Verfassungslehre[Xianfa Xueshuo], Übers. Feng Liu, Verbesserte Ausgabe, Shanghai: Horizon/Shanghai People Publishing House, 2016宪法学说: 修订译本,刘锋,世纪文景/上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
  • Politische Romantik[Zhengzhi de Langmanpai], Übers. Keli Feng, Feng Liu, Shanghai: Shanghai People Publishing House, 2016政治的浪漫派,冯克利、刘锋,上海人民出版(Classici et Commentarii…)
  • Positionen und Begriffe[Lunduan yu gainian], Übers. Yanbin Zhu, Shanghai: Horizon/Shanghai People Publishing House, 2016论断与概念,朱雁冰,世纪文景, 上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
  • Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum [Dadi de Fa: Ouzhou gongfa de guojifa zhong de dadifa], Übers. Yi Liu, Chenguo Zhang, Shanghai: Horizon/Shanghai People Publishing House, 2017大地的法: 欧洲公法的国际法中的大地法,刘毅、张陈果译,上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
  • Landund Meer[Ludi yu haiyang], Übers. Guoji Lin, Shanghai: Shanghai Joint Publishing Company, 2018陆地与海洋: 世界史的考察, 林国基,上海三联书店
  • Der Begriff des Politischen[Zhengzhi de gainian], Übers. Zongkun Liu, Yanbing Zhu etc., Erweiterte Ausgabe, Shanghai: Horizon/Shanghai People Publishing House, 2018政治的概念: 增订本, 刘宗坤/ 朱雁冰等,世纪文景| 上海人民出版社(Classici et Commentarii…)
  • Der Hüter der Verfassung[Xianfa de shouhuzhe],Übers. Yi Han, Shanghai: ECNUP (In Vorbereitung) 宪法的守护者,韩毅,华东师范大学出版社

The Reception of Carl Schmitt in Iran – A Bibliography

von Felix Herkert

In the last decades one can recognize a growing interest in the works of Carl Schmitt in Iran. Up to now, the Persian reception of Schmitt has not attracted muchattentionin the West. As far as we know, neither in Alain de Benoist’s voluminous book Carl Schmitt: Internationale Bibliographie der Primär-und Sekundärliteratur(Graz ²2010) nor in any other bibliography any Persian translations of Schmitt’s works, or Persian secondary literature, arementioned. The following list canbe consideredas a first approachin collecting and classifying the relevant material.In eachparagraph the material is ordered chronologically according to the date of publication. As far as possible, we added some further information in squared brackets. (We give many thanks to Mr. Moḥsen Nīkbīn for his kind help in finalizing this bibliography).

Several Schmittian topics were treated by Persian scholars; overall,his“concept of the political” andhis “political theology” seemedto have provoked most interest. Some of Schmitt’s main works are now even available in different translationsin Iran. Looking through thesetranslations, however, one will recognize that none of them was based on the original German text, but nearly all of them are translations from English editions of Schmitt’s works.

I. Translations:

I.1 Monographies:

  • Elāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī: čahār faṣl dar bāb-e ḥākemīyyat[Politische Theologie: Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität], transl. by Leylā Čamanḫāh, Tehran 1390[2011/12], 104 pp. [Translated from the English edition of George Schwab, including his preface; it further includes a translation of the Stanford Encyclopediaof Philosophy’s entry on Schmitt:]
  • Elāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī (2)[Politische Theologie II], transl. by Leylā Čamanḫāh, Tehran 1392[2013/14], 208 pp. [Translated from the English edition, including the preface of the English editors; supplemented by a nine-page preface by the Persian translator]
  • Elāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī: čahār faṣl dar bāb-e ḥākemīyyat[Politische Theologie: Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität], transl. byŠoǧāʿAḥmadvand &Somayyeh Ḥamīdī, Tehran 1392[2013/14], 112 pp.
  • Mafhūm-e amr-e sīyāsī[Der Begriff des Politischen], transl. byYāšār Ǧeyrānī & Rassūl Namāzī, Tehran 1392[2013/14], 200 pp. [Translated from the English edition of 2007,supplemented by athree-page preface by the Persian translators]
    • New edition: Tehran 1395[2016/17], 202 pp.
    • New edition: Tehran 1396[2017/18],200 pp.
  • Mafhūm-e amr-e sīyāsī[Der Begriff des Politischen], transl. bySoheyl Ṣafārī, Tehran 1393[2014/15], 160 pp. [Complete translation from the expanded English editionof George Schwab, including his preface, Tracy B. Strong’s foreword, and Leo Strauss’ notes on The concept of the political]
  • Elāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī: čahār faṣl dar bāb-e ḥākemīyyat [Politische Theologie: Vier Kapitel zur Lehre von der Souveränität],transl. by Ṭāher Ḫadīv, Tehran 1393[2014/15], 106 pp. [Translated from the English edition of 2005, including the preface of the English translator; supplemented by a one-page preface by the Persian translator]
  • Romāntīsīzm-e sīyāsī [Politische Romantik], transl. bySoheyl Ṣafārī, Tehran1393 [2014/15], 216 pp. [Translated from the English edition of Guy Oakes, including his preface]
  • Levīyātān dar naẓarīyye-ye doulat-e Tāmas Hābbz: maʿnā va šekast-e yek namād-e sīyasī, [Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des Thomas Hobbes. Sinn und Fehlschlag eines politischen Symbols], transl. byŠervīn MoqīmīZanǧānī, Tehran 1395[2016/17], 192 pp.[Translated from the English edition, supplemented by a eight-page preface by the Persian translator]
    • New edition: Tehran 1397[2018/19].
  • Naẓarīyye-ye pārtizān [Theorie des Partisanen], transl. by Ṭāher Ḫadīv &Mosṭafa Aḥmadzādeh, Tehran 1396[2917/18], 152 pp. [Translated from the English edition of 2007, supplemented by a two-page preface by the Persian translators]
  • Romāntīsīzm-e sīyasī [Politische Romantik], transl. byNayyereh Tavakkoli,Tehran 1398[2019/20], 264 pp.

I.2 Contributions in anthologies and journals:

  • Mafhūm-e amr-e sīyāsī[Der Begriff des Politischen], transl. by Ṣāleh Naǧafī, pp. 89-154, in: Qānūn va ḫošūnat: gozide-ye maqālāt [Law and Violence: Selected Articles], ed. by Morād Farhādpūret al., Tehran 1386[2007/08], 472 pp. [This volume contains also the Persian translation of three articles from Western scholars dealing with Carl Schmitt’s thought; cfr. under II.2.2]
  • New editions: Tehran 1387[2008/09], 1389[2010/11], 1392[2013/14], 472 pp.-Romāntīsīsm-e sīyāsī. Darbāre-ye sīyāsat, doulat va romāntīsm-e sīyāsī [Politischer Romantizismus. Über Politik, Staat und politische Romantik], transl. by Alī Neǧāt Qolāmī, in: Sūre-ye andīšeh 66/67 (1391[2012/13]),pp. 50-55.
  • Tavallod-eqānūn-e asāsi[Die Geburt der Verfassung], in:Goft-o-gū62 (1392[2013/14]), pp. 109-120. [This text is a summary of the 6thchapter of Schmitt’s Verfassungslehre, based on the French edition of 1993]

II. Secondary literature:

II.1 Monographies

II.1.1 By Persian scholars

[Until now, there seem to be no monographies]

II.1.2 Translations from Western scholarship

[Until now, there seem to be no monographies]

II.2 Articles
(We only mentionthose articleshere which deal explicitly and primarily with Schmitt. One could find much more articlesin Persianciting or referring to Schmitt,more or less sporadically,in several contexts. )

2II.2.1 By Persian scholars

  • Mousavī, Seyyed ʿAlī Reżā, “Dīyānat-e modernīteh! Tā’ammolī dar ārā-ye Kārl Šmītt [Modern religiosity! A consideration in the thought of Carl Schmitt]”, in:Sūre-ye andīšeh54/55 (1390[2011/12]), pp. 28-29.
  • Ḥosseynī Beheštī, Seyyed ʿAlī Reżā/Malekī, Sānāz/Akbarī, Maǧīd, “Manṭeq-e estes̱nā dar falsafeh-ye sīyāsī-ye Kārl Šmītt [The logic of exception in the political philosophy of Carl Schmitt]”, in: Ǧostārhā-ye falsafī26 (1393[2014/15]), pp. 65-102.
  • Kāẓemī,Eḥsān/Ǧamšīdī, Moḥsen,“Naqd-e ketāb: Mafhūm-e amr-e sīyāsīaz Kārl Šmītt [Book review: The concept of the politicalby Carl Schmitt]”, in: Pažūhešhā-yesīyāsī15 (1394[2015/16]), pp. 81-87.-Naẓarī, ʿAlī Ašraf,“Bāz-ḫānī-yeenteqādī-ye mafhūm-e amr-e sīyāsī dar naẓarīyeh-ye Kārl Šmītt [A critical relectureof the concept of the political in Carl Schmitt’s theory]”,in: Sīyāsat36 (1394[2015/16]), pp. 991-1014.
  • Ḥamīdī, Somayeh, “Ravāyat-e teoložīkāl az amr-e sīyāsī dar andīšeh-ye ‘Kārl Šmītt’ [Theological Accountof the concept of the political in the thought of ‘Carl Schmitt’]”, in:Pažūheš-esīyāsat-e naẓarī18 (1394[2015/16]), pp. 25-48.
  • Naẓarī, ʿAlī Ašraf, “Šmītt va amr-e sīyāsī: bāz-sāzī-e yek portereh-ye baḥs̱-angīz[Schmitt and political order: The reconstruction of a controversial]”, in:Pažūheš-nāmeh-ye enteqādī-ye motūn va bar-nāmeh-hā-ye ʿolūm-e ensānī41 (1395[2016/17]), pp. 177-199.
  • Kāvandī, Reżā/Ḥeydārī, Aḥmad ʿAlī,“Elāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī va amr-eestes̱nā (Kārl Šmītt va masā’eleh-yehākīīyat) [Political Theology and order of exception (Carl Schmitt and the problem of sovereignty)]”, in: Falsafeh, Vol. 44, issue1 (1395[2016/17]), pp. 33-49.
  • Allāhdādī, Nafīseh/Ābedī Ardakānī, Moḥammad, “Kārl Šmīttva teorīzeh kardan-e ḫošunat [Carl Schmitt andtheorizing violence]”, in: Ġarbšenāsī-ye bonyādī, Vol. 9, issue1 (1397[2018/19]), pp. 115-139.

II.2.2 Translations from Western scholarship

  • Bellamy, Richard,“Līberālīsm ʿaleyh-e ḫūdaš (Kārl Šmītt va tanāqożāt-e līberāl-demūkrāsī [Liberalism against itself (Carl Schmitt and the contradictions of liberal democracy)]”, transl. by Moḥammad Reżāī, in:Ḫeradnāmeh-yeham-šahrī9 (1385[2006/07]), pp. 22-23.
  • Agamben, Giorgio, “Vālter Benyāmīn dar-barābar-e Kārl Šmītt [Walter Benjamin contra Carl Schmitt]”, Ǧavād Ganǧī, in: Qānūn va ḫošūnat: gozide-ye maqālāt[Law and Violence: Selected Articles], ed. by Morād Farhādpūr et al., Tehran 1389[2010/11], pp. 155-174.
  • Mouffe, Chantal, “Takas̱s̱orgarāyī va demoukrāsī-e modern: dour-o-bar-e Kārl Šmītt [Pluralism and modern democracy: around Carl Schmitt]”, ʿAlīʿAbbāsbeygī&MoǧtabāGolmoḥammadī, in: Qānūn va ḫošūnat: gozide-ye maqālāt[Law and Violence: Selected Articles], ed. by Morād Farhādpūr et al., Tehran 1389[2010/11], pp. 357-384.
  • Ulmen, Gary, “Be souy-e yek naẓm-e novīn-e ǧahānī: dar-āmadī bar Nāmūs-e zamīnbe qalam-e Kārl Šmītt [Toward a New world Order: Introduction to Carl Schmitt’s ‘The Land Appropriation of a New World’]”,transl. by ʿAlīʿAbbāsbeygī& Moǧtabā Golmoḥammadī, in: Qānūn va ḫošūnat: gozide-ye maqālāt[Law and Violence: Selected Articles], ed. by Morād Farhādpūr et al., Tehran 1389[2010/11], pp. 385-416.

II.3 Dissertations

  • Kāvandī, Reżā,Naqd-e Kārl Šmītt bar līberāl-demūkrāsī bar mabnāī-ye ketāb-e Elāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī-e vey [Carl Schmitt’s critique against liberal democracy, based on his book Political Theology], Tehran 1391[2012/13].[This dissertation was written at the AllamahTabatabaiUniversity, Tehran, under the supervision of Aḥmad ʿAlīḤeydārī andḤosseyn Kalbāsī Aštarī.]
  • Šeyḫ-al-Eslāmī, Ḫāled, Nesbat-e sonnat-e masīḥī va modernīteh dar andīšeh-e sīyāsī-e ġarb: gosast yā tadāvom [The relation between Christian tradition and modernity in Western political thought: Rupture or continuity?], Tehran 1391[2012/13].[This dissertation was written at the Allamah Tabatabai University, Tehran, under the supervision ofḤešmatollāh Falāḥatpīšeh and Moḥammad-Ǧavād Qolāmreżā Kāšī. It deals with authorslike Schmitt, Löwith, Straussand Blumenberg.]
  • Ǧazāī,Moḥaddeseh,Bāz-ḫānī-ye emkān va emtenāʿ-yeelāhīyyāt-e sīyāsī dar eslām bar asās-e naẓarī-ye Kārl Šmītt[A possible relecture and refusal of the political theology in Islam, based on Carl Schmitt’s theory], Mashhad 1393[2014/15].[This dissertation was written at theFaculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Firdausi University, Mashhad, under the supervision of Seyyed-Ḥossein Aṭharī andRūḥollāh Eslāmī Šo’abǧereh.]
  • Anvarī, Saʿīd,Tabyyn-e naẓarī-yedoulat-e Kārl Šmītt va naqd-e ū bar ǧomhourī-ye vāymār[Zur Staatstheorie Carl Schmittsund seiner Kritik an Weimarer Republik], Tehran 1395[2016/17]. [This dissertation was written in German at the Faculty of World Studies (German department) of the University of Tehran –a faculty which is aimed at fostering political studies with the obligation to teach and write in the original language of each department –under the supervision of Younes Nourbaḫšand Aḥmad Nāderī.]
  • Saīd, Ḫalīlzādeh, Taḥlīl-e enqelābvaǧomhourī-ye eslāmī-ye īrān bar mabnā-ye andīšeh-ye Kārl Šmītt (bā tākīd bar mafhūm-e amr-e sīyāsī, mafhūm-e ḥākemīyyat va naqd-e līberālīsm va demūkrāsī) [Analysis of the Islamic Revolution and Republic of Iran, based on the thought of Carl Schmitt (with emphasis on the concept of the political, the concept of sovereignty, and the critique against liberalism and democracy)], Tabriz1396[2017/18].[This dissertation was written at the Faculty of Law and Social Science, University of Tabriz, under the supervision ofRaǧab Īzadī and Farāmarz Taqīlū.]

The present bibliography has been prepared in Turkish by the Journal Felsefe Arkivi (Archives of Philosophy). It shows that some of Carl Schmitt’s works are still waiting to be translated into Turkish. Although there were attempts to translate at least the main works into Turkish between 2015 and 2017 and between 2020 and 2022, the literature still has some desiderata.

In fact, Schmitt’s most important texts such as The Dictatorship, The Nomos of the Earth, Political Theology II, and Political Romanticism are still not translated into Turkish. In 2019, there has been a sharp increase in the number of books about Schmitt or books that discuss the state-right.

Although there is a noticeable density of scholarly essay studies in 2019, it can be seen that Schmitt studies have increased overall between 2014 and 2021 compared to previous years.

The dominant disciplines dealing with Carl Schmitt are political science, philosophy, and law. In addition, a significant number of papers have been written in the fields of International Relations, Public Administration, and Sociology. The general focus of the research texts is on political philosophy and law, on the basic concepts of Schmitt’s terminology such as “state,” “decision-making,” “political,” and “sovereignty.”

Books of Carl Schmitt

  • Schmitt, Carl. Değerlerin Tiranlığı. Çev. Mehmet Cemil Ozansü. İstanbul: Pinhan Yayıncılık, 2022.
    Schmitt, Carl. Hamlet ya da Hekuba: Zamanın Oyuna Baskını. Çev. Cana Bostan. İstanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, 2020.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Hukuki Düşüncenin Üç Türü. Çev. Toros Güneş Esgün. İstanbul: Pinhan Yayıncılık, 2021.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Kanunilik ve Meşruiyet. Çev. Mehmet Cemil Ozansü. İstanbul: İthaki Yayınları, 2016.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Kara ve Deniz. Çev. Gültekin Yıldız. İstanbul: Vakıfbank Kültür Yayınları, 2020.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Parlamenter Demokrasinin Krizi. Çev. A. Emre Zeybekoğlu. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2017.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Partizan Teorisi. Çev. Sibel Bekiroğlu. Ankara: Nika Yayın, 2017.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Roma Katolikliği ve Politik Form. Çev. Gültekin Yıldız. İstanbul: Vakıfbank
    Kültür Yayınları, 2021.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Siyasal Kavramı. Çev. Ece Göztepe. İstanbul: Metis Yayınları, 2012. Schmitt, Carl. Siyasi İlahiyat. Çev. A. Emre Zeybekoğlu. Ankara: Dost Kitabevi, 2016.
  • Schmitt, Carl. Tarih ve Siyaset Üzerine İki Deneme. Çev. Gültekin Yıldız. İstanbul: Paradigma Yayınları, 2009. [Bu kitap Roma Katolikliği ve Politik Form ile Kara ve Deniz eserlerinin birlikte basımıdır, iki metin daha sonra ayrı olarak kitaplaştırılmıştır.]

    Aufsätze von Carl Schmitt
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Hobbes ve Descartes’te Bir Mekanizma Olarak Devlet.” Çev. A. Emre Zeybekoğlu. Milletlerarası Hukuk ve Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni 23, Sayı 1-2, (2011): 969- 980.
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Parlamentarizm İle Modern Kitle Demokrasisi Arasındaki Tezat Üzerine.” Çev. A. Emre Zeybekoğlu. İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası 64, Sayı 1, (2006): 359-374.
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Tarafsızlaşma ve Depolitizasyon Çağı.” Çev. A. Emre Zeybekoğlu. İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası 63, Sayı 1-2, (2011): 359-372.
    Schmitt, Carl. “Devlet Etiği ve Çoğulcu Devlet.” İçinde
  • Carl Schmitt’in Meydan Okuması, der. Chantal Mouffe, 273-291. Çev. Hivren Demir Atay ve Hakan Atay. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2019.
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Liberal Hukuk Devletinin İlkeleri ve Hukuk Devletinde Kanun Kavramı.” Çev. Bilal Canatan. İçinde Hukuk Devleti Hukuki Bir İlke Siyasi Bir İdeal, ed. Adnan Küçük, Bilal Canatan ve Ali Rıza Çoban, 119-148. Ankara: Adres Yayınları, 2008.
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Siyasal Birliğin Üçlü Yapısı.” Çev. Toros Güneş Esgün. Felsefe Yazın Dergisi, Sayı 20, (2012): 18-22.
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Somut ve Çağa Bağlı Bir Kavram Olarak Devlet.” Çev. Bertil Emrah Oder. İçinde Devlet Kuramı, ed. Cemal Bali Akal, 245-255. Ankara: Dost Yayınları, 2005.

Online Publications

  • Schmitt, Carl. “Almak, Bölmek, Otlatmak (1953).” Çev. Hüsnü Yavuz Aytekin, ViraVerita. May. 17, 2020.
  • Schmitt, Carl. “Siyasal Birliğin Üçlü Yapısı.” Çev. Toros Güneş Esgün, ViraVerita. Şub. 16, 2015.